Highlights of the 1st Day of the 57th ICC Session and Ministerial Meeting


The three day long 57th ICC Session and Ministerial Meeting started virtually  on 26th October at Jakarta and will  conclude on 28th October. The Government of Papua New Guinea held the Chair of International Coconut Community (ICC) for the CY 2020-2021 and was host for the 57th ICC Session & Ministerial Meeting. For the second time continuously Session & Ministerial Meeting convened virtually amid  Covid-19 pandemic.

The inauguration is  an Official Opening Ceremony and was organized  by the host Government of Papua New Guinea. Mr. Alan Aku, Managing Director, Kokonas Indastri Koporesen delivered the Greeting Remarks followed by The National Anthem of Papua New... read more

ICC-COGENT Steering Committee Meeting


ICC-COGENT Steering Committee (SC) members of Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) from across the globe met virtually on 13-15 October 2021. COGENT is one of the major programs of ICC since 2020. The objectives of organizing this year are to set the wheels in motion for finalizing a Roadmap towards a self-sustaining COGENT;  discuss COGENT’s activities to date and its agenda until the end of the ACIAR grant period (30 June 2022), and beyond, provide technical and policy guidance to COGENT and to welcome Erlene Manohar as the new COGENT Coordinator.

The meeting was started with the welcome address by Dr.... read more

Second Webinar on Coconut Husk, Cocopeat and Activated Carbon by ICC-ITC


International Coconut Community (ICC) in collaboration with International Trade Centre (ITC) organized a webinar on “Coconut husk, Cocopeat and Activated Carbon” on 12 October 2021. The training is part of the MoU executed between ICC and the ITC with the purpose to establish a framework of engagement and cooperation between ITC and the ICC to develop mechanisms for transferring technology relating to value-added coconut products, under the project “Alliances for the Coconut Industry Development Expansion and Enhanced Support for the Caribbean”. 165 registrants attended the webinar.

This is the second of a series of training and webinar lined... read more