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Second Webinar on Coconut Husk, Cocopeat and Activated Carbon by ICC-ITC

International Coconut Community (ICC) in collaboration with International Trade Centre (ITC) organized a webinar on “Coconut husk, Cocopeat and Activated Carbon” on 12 October 2021. The training is part of the MoU executed between ICC and the ITC with the purpose to establish a framework of engagement and cooperation between ITC and the ICC to develop mechanisms for transferring technology relating to value-added coconut products, under the project “Alliances for the Coconut Industry Development Expansion and Enhanced Support for the Caribbean”. 165 registrants attended the webinar.

This is the second of a series of training and webinar lined up. The other partner collaborator of this series is CARIFORUM financed by the European Union, and implemented by ITC, CARDI, and important Alliances partners, ACP, and Coconut Industry Board.

Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director, ICC, delivered the welcome remarks. She hoped that through this webinar there will be awareness that coconut husk and coconut shell can be feasibly processed into a variety of marketable and profitable products. With the increasing global market demand of the coir products and activated carbon, participants can take the market opportunities and this webinar will definitely inspires ideas and discussion for the development of business plan for coconut shell and husk-based products for the local and global market for the benefits of coconut farmers, their family and the community. It will also supporting the resilience and sustainable coconut industry.

Mr. Chetiya Dharmadasa, Divisional Manager, HAYCARB PLC, Sri Lanka, presented the company profile and activities of Haycarb, an activated carbon and water purifier system company, with 6 manufacturers in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Thailand. He explained the manufacturing process and different applications of activated carbon.

Mr. S. Mahendran, Chief Executive Officer, Lanktrad International (Pvt) Ltd., and President of Sri Lankan Coir and Allied Products Manufacturers Association, Sri Lanka, presented the processing, production, and marketing potential of coir and husk-based products in which he introduced the husk-based processing sector in Sri Lanka and identified the production and marketing potential of coir and husk-based products.

Mr. Radhakrishnan. A, Assistant Director, National Coir Training and Design Centre, Coir Board (Government of India), Kerala, India, presented the importance of coconut husk and coir-based products and criteria for setting up potential coir industries, coir industry in India, the importance and advantages of coconut husk and its products.

There was an in-depth discussion on the topics, and the speakers addressed the queries. This webinar was moderated by Mr. Brian-Lee Chandler, ITC.

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