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ICC-COGENT Steering Committee Meeting

ICC-COGENT Steering Committee (SC) members of Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) from across the globe met virtually on 13-15 October 2021. COGENT is one of the major programs of ICC since 2020. The objectives of organizing this year are to set the wheels in motion for finalizing a Roadmap towards a self-sustaining COGENT;  discuss COGENT’s activities to date and its agenda until the end of the ACIAR grant period (30 June 2022), and beyond, provide technical and policy guidance to COGENT and to welcome Erlene Manohar as the new COGENT Coordinator.

The meeting was started with the welcome address by Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director of ICC, followed by address of Ms. Irene Kernot, Research Program Manager for Horticulture ACIAR, and Dr. Jean-Marc Roda, new Director of CIRAD South-East Asia Island Region. A congratulatory message was delivered by Administrator Madrigal and formally introduced Mrs. Erlene C. Manohar as the new ICC COGENT Coordinator.

The first-day discussion was focused on the International Coconut Genebank activities, following the ACIAR grant work plan and progress. The discussion included the ICG appraisals status and schedule presented by the respective ICG curator of all the five ICGs. Mr. Vincent Johnson, the outgoing cogent coordinator informed the forum that the appraisal of ICG South Pacific hosted by Papua New Guinea, and Africa the Indian Ocean, hosted by Cote d’Ivoire, is already completed, while ICG South-East Asia, hosted by Indonesia, is pending due to pandemic quarantine and the visit is scheduled in November -December 2021, depending on the quarantine status. The appraisal visits to ICG South Asia and the Middle East, hosted by India, also was planned in December 2021 or the first quarter of 2022, while ICG Latin America and the Caribbean, hosted by Brazil, will be scheduled in and around Spring Season in 2022. The status and short review report briefed by Mr. Danielle Manzella, ITPGR about the renew of all articles 15 of ICG hosting countries with FAO’s International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).

The second day's meeting started with a short address by Dr. Syafruddin, Director, ICERD, Bogor, Indonesia. He informed the forum about the status of the Article 15 agreement pending with the Government of Indonesia and about the full support of ICG-SEA hosted by Balit Palma, Govt of Indonesia. The permeable on ITAG progress was presented by the leaders of all the four International Thematic Action Groups (ITAGs), which are Ex Situ and In Situ Conversation (ITAG 1), Genomics and Breeding (ITAG 2), Phytopathology, Entomology & Germplasm Movement (ITAG 3) and In Vitro Culture & Cryo-Conversation (ITAG 4). The discussion was including the scope and outlining and harmonizing priority projects by each ITAG, resource mobilization targets, the idea for ITAG webinars on priority areas, and how to make ITAGs activities more effective.

The third day was mainly focused on COGENT membership. The session had an in-depth discussion about the strategy of engaging all 39 COGENT member countries, possibilities of non-ICC members becoming ICC members, and to consider an Annual General Meeting in January 2022.

The session was also discussed on COGENT sustainability plan and roadmap which was presented by Mrs. Erlene C. Manohar. The discussion included the work plan and budget for COGENT strategy implementation and linking the COGENT roadmap to the ITAGs activity roadmap. To celebrate the COGENT’s 30th Anniversary in 2022 was also discussed in the session.

The meeting was attended by the SC voting members, ITAG leaders and members; ICG curators; and observers and non-voting members of COGENT. There was in depth discussion on almost all three days meetings which was very productive and resulted in several recommendations to be implemented in the coming days.

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