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Third-Day Highlights of the Session and Ministerial Meeting

The main agenda of the 3rd day of the Session was the ICC Annual Report which included highlights of 2020, updates of activities of 2021. The report was presented by Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director with the global scenario of Coconut. The Session also discussed the various programs and projects proposed to be undertaken by ICC during  CY 2022.

During the years 2020 and 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ICC’s activities as planned could not be implemented physically. All the major ICC programs, including the 49th International COCOTECH Conference & Exhibition, IPM Symposium, International  Certificate Course for Coconut Development Officers, have been postponed to the year 2021, and have been conducted virtually. Despite the Pandemic situation, ICC managed to conduct several webinars, workshops, online training programs in collaboration with NAM-CSSTC, CRI and ITC.

It was reported to the Session that the 49th COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition was conducted virtually from 30 August-2 Sept 2021, hosted by ICC Secretariat, Jakarta, and was well attended by 742 registered participants from 43 countries, with the theme: “Promoting Smart Farming, Eco Friendly and Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Coconut Development”. The World Coconut Day 2021 Celebration coincided with the concluding day of the COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition, with the theme: “Coconut: Promoting Health, Creativity, and Resilience Amid and Beyond COVID-9 Pandemic”, in which ICC Secretariat conducted videography, writing, photography, and social media post competitions. The winners were announced during the Celebration. The competitions encouraged millennials and older generations to take part in sustaining the sector and to promote creativity amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Session adopted the policies and recommendations of the 49th International Cocotech Conference and International Quality Standards Workshop.

The Executive Director informed the Session of Delegates about the major international programs of ICC for 2022. One of which is the 50th International COCOTECH Conference in 2022. The Government of Malaysia continues to agree to host the 50thInternational COCOTECH Conference in 2022, under the theme: “Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for a Resilient and Sustainable Coconut Agroindustry”

The new structure of the Technical Working Group and revised Terms of Reference also endorsed by the Session. Mr. Benjamin Madrigal was appointed as the new chair of the TWG.

One of the most important agendas of the session was the presentation of the Audit Report of 2020 Financial Statements, ICC Secretariat budget & membership contribution for the current year 2022 by the Executive Director. The Session approved and endorsed the reports.

Since the ICC Chair and host for the 58th Session and Ministerial Meeting is not confirmed the Session of Delegates approved to continue Papua New Guinea as interim chair until the new chair for 2022 is appointed.

The meeting adjourned with the remarks by the outgoing chair,  vote of thanks by the plenipotentiary delegates and observer organization and closing remarks by Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director. 

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