Highlights from the 3rd Day of COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition


Moving on from the topic of the versatility of the coconut usefulness and benefits explored on the 2nd day of the COCOTECH, on the 3rd day 15 prominent speakers in 3 consecutive sessions shared their extensive knowledge and experience in the coconut sector.

Resource speakers in the 7th session discussed the global market trend and prospect, fair trade and market sustainability, empowering small farmers and women, social enterprises, opportunities and challenges. The first speaker was Dr. Julian Conway McGill, Managing Director, Glenauk Economics, Malaysia presented “Economic Perspective on Sustainable Coconut Market Expansion and Trade Enhancement”.

The second... read more

Highlights of the 2nd Day of the COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition 2024


On the second day of the COCOTECH, there were 6 sessions wherein 15 eminent resource speakers shared their ideas, knowledge, and experiences with the latest technologies and development. The subjects covered during the Conference assisted in preparing farming communities to counter the challenges and maximize benefits from the opportunities that are presented.

Continuing the 1st and 2nd Session on the 1st day of the conference, topics discussed by five resource speakers in the 3rd Session was empowering sustainability: coconut-based renewable energy solutions for addressing global... read more

Highlights of the 1st Day of the 51st International COCOTECH Conference & Exhibition 2024


The 51st international COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition 2024 is the largest technical conference dedicated solely to showcasing the different development activities in the coconut sector. The conference is conducted once every two years. This year it is organized jointly by the International Coconut Community (ICC) and the Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia, which provides hosting facilities. Many ICC member countries that have experienced hosting this event in earlier years are India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu, Vietnam, and Thailand. The major goal of this event is... read more