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Highlights from the 3rd Day of COCOTECH Conference and Exhibition

Moving on from the topic of the versatility of the coconut usefulness and benefits explored on the 2nd day of the COCOTECH, on the 3rd day 15 prominent speakers in 3 consecutive sessions shared their extensive knowledge and experience in the coconut sector.

Resource speakers in the 7th session discussed the global market trend and prospect, fair trade and market sustainability, empowering small farmers and women, social enterprises, opportunities and challenges. The first speaker was Dr. Julian Conway McGill, Managing Director, Glenauk Economics, Malaysia presented “Economic Perspective on Sustainable Coconut Market Expansion and Trade Enhancement”.

The second speaker, Mr. Mathieu Goulmy, Sustainable Sourcing Manager (Coconut Products), Unilever, Indonesia, presented “From Farm to Market: Coconut Industry’s Journey to Sustain Local and Global Market”. Ms. Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales, Board Member of Fairtrade NAPP, Member of the Advisory Board of Fairtrade Farmers Coconut Multipurpose Cooperative (FFCC), Fairtrade Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP), Singapore Presented “Exploring the Impact of Fairtrade Strategies on Sustaining Markets: A Comparative Analysis of Coconut-Based Products in the Asia Pacific”. Ms. Lastiana Yuliandari, Director, Aliet Green, Indonesia presented “Sustainable Coconut Sugar Processing: Empowering Millions of Smallholders for Global Market Growth and Trade Sustainability”. Ms. Annisa Hapsari, Trade Attache, Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia, Kingdom of The Netherlands explored “Market Opportunities and Challenges for Coconut Products in European Countries”.

The following 8th Session discussed the innovate to sustain coconut sector: advancing global coconut germplasm conservation and utilization, enhancing productivity, and fostering sustainable ecosystems. The first speaker, Dr. Sarada Krishnan, Director of Programs, Global Crop Diversity Trust, Germany, presented “Harnessing Nature’s Diversity: Exploring the International Coconut Genebank for Food and Agriculture”.

Dr. Niral Vittal, Head, Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, India, presented “Advancements in Coconut Breeding and Gene Bank Programs: Catalysing Farmer and Industry Development through Inclusive Approach in India”. Dr. Emiliano Fernandes Nassau Costa, Researcher, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), Brazil presented “Utilization of Conserved Germplasm at ICG-LAC in EMBRAPA’s Hybrid Breeding Program”. Dr. Wayne A. Myrie, Plant Pathologist, Coconut Industry Board (CIB), Jamaica presented “Refractometer Testing of LY Diseased Samples an Additional Potential Diagnostic Tool in Lethal Yellowing Disease Identification”. Dr. Puji Lestari, Head of Research Organization Agriculture & Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia, presented “Ecology-Based Management to Enhance Coconut Production in Indonesia”. Dr. Anjana Atapattu, Acting Head (Agronomy Division), Coconut Research Institute (CRI), Sri Lanka presented “Optimizing Intercropping Selection for Coconut Plantations Based on PAR and Agro‑Climatic Zones”.

The 9th Session was exclusively arranged as a parallel session wherein call for papers were invited from the researchers of universities and research institutes who are involved in the research on the coconut sector. Six such presenters presented their works at the conference.

In the closing session remarks, H.E. Reza Pahlevi Chairul, Director General of Interregional Trade Negotiation, Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia, mentioned that the coming of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to open the COCOTECH has shown the government support to the community and coconut sector.

The three-day Conference concluded with the adoption of the policy recommendations crafted from the presentations for implementation by the member countries, the announcement of the 52nd International Cocotech Conference in 2026 to be hosted by the Phillippines, and the Acceptance Speech by Host of the 52nd International COCOTECH Conference.

The conference adjourned with a vote of thanks by Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director, in which she expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all parties who have supported and contributed to the event. She concluded with a wisdom word that reflected the unity in the event: “Coming together is beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. Coconut is the tree of life and a source of green energy, let us continue our journey together with unity and collaboration.”

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