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ICC Initiates a Youth Empowerment Program to Transform the Coconut Industry

In a significant move towards bolstering the global coconut industry, the International Coconut Community (ICC) has initiated a comprehensive Youth Empowerment Program. The initiative was introduced and discussed during a virtual meeting held on 13.05.2024, attended by Dr. Jelfina Alouw, Executive Director of ICC, along with Assistant Director and the Professional Staff of ICC, and notable figures such as Mr. Gregory Bardies, Executive Director of Sustainable Coconut Partnership, Mr. Dharmendra Pothuri, Agribusiness Expert from Gatsby Africa, and H.E. Ambassador Diar Nurbintoro from the NAM Center as stakeholders of this initiative.

Addressing the Needs of the Coconut Industry

In her opening remarks, Dr. Jelfina Alouw highlighted the critical need for such a program in today’s market environment. She pointed out that market requirements have become increasingly complex and stringent, presenting significant challenges to the coconut sector. Among the issues identified were stagnant coconut production coupled with rising global export demand, low productivity, and high production costs.

"These challenges necessitate a dynamic and innovative approach," Dr. Jelfina emphasized. "Youth, as a vibrant and dynamic force, have the potential to drive transformative change within the industry."

Goals and Objectives

The Youth Empowerment Program aims to address the noticeable absence of youth involvement in the coconut sector, offering them new and meaningful avenues for engagement. Dr. Jelfina outlined the primary goals and objectives of the program, which include:

  • Empowering youth with essential skills and knowledge.

  • Fostering entrepreneurship and job creation within the sector.

  • Promoting community development initiatives.

  • Enhancing the global competitiveness of the coconut industry.

  • Facilitating knowledge transfer and creating market access opportunities.

"The ultimate goal is to catalyze sustainable development and enhance global competitiveness in the coconut sector by empowering youth," Dr. Jelfina stated. "This initiative will foster entrepreneurship and promote community engagement."

Planned Activities and Support

Dr. Jelfina also detailed the planned activities, timeline, and proposed budget for the program. Key business opportunities for youth were highlighted, including establishing coconut nurseries and farms, producing coconut-based food and non-food products, and supplying non-standard coconuts. She noted the available facilities at CRI-Sri Lanka, NIIST-India, research centers in Indonesia, Zamboanga Research Center in the Philippines, and coconut industries which could support the program’s implementation.

"We are committed to providing the necessary support and resources to ensure the success of this initiative," Dr.Jelfina asserted, calling for the collaboration and support of all involved parties.

Stakeholder Support and Collaboration

The meeting saw enthusiastic support from various stakeholders. Mr. Gregory Bardies of the Sustainable Coconut Partnership expressed his willingness to contribute to the program actively, emphasizing the importance of establishing and developing an online community to foster the development of the coconut sector.

"We believe in the potential of this initiative to make a significant impact," Mr. Bardies remarked. "An online community will play a crucial role in knowledge sharing and collaborative growth."

H.E. Ambassador Diar Nurbintoro of NAM-CSTC also pledged their full support, requesting more details to facilitate their involvement. "This program aligns perfectly with our goals of promoting sustainable development and community empowerment," the Ambassador noted.

Mr. Dharmendra from Gatsby Africa provided insights into the current state of the coconut industry in Kenya, expressing confidence that the Youth Empowerment Program would have a positive impact on the sector in countries like Kenya. He assured the collaboration of Gatsby Africa in supporting the initiative.

"We are optimistic that this program will drive significant improvements in the coconut industry, especially in regions like Kenya where there is immense potential," Mr. Dharmendra said.

A Bright Future for the Coconut Industry

The Youth Empowerment Program marks a pivotal step in transforming the coconut industry, addressing key challenges, and unlocking new opportunities. With the combined efforts and support of global stakeholders, the ICC aims to foster a vibrant, innovative, and sustainable coconut sector driven by the energy and creativity of the youth.

The ICC looks forward to the successful implementation of this program and the positive changes it will bring to the global coconut industry.

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